Classes of dangerous goods

Class 1
Explosive materials with properties that may explode and cause fire with explosive action, and devices containing explosives and explosive materials, intended to produce a pyrotechnic effect.

Class 2
Compressed gases, liquefied, cooled and dissolved under pressure, meet at least one of the following conditions.

Class 3
Flammable liquids, mixtures of liquids and liquids containing solids in solution or suspension, which emit flammable vapors having a flash point in closed crucible 6 °C and below.

Class 4
Flammable substances and materials (except those classified as explosives), which during transportation is easily lit from an external source of ignition through friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical reactions, as well as heating.

Class 5
Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, which can easily release oxygen to support combustion and may, in appropriate circumstances in a mixture with other substances, cause ignition and explosion.

Class 6
Poisonous and infectious substances which can cause death, disease or poisoning if swallowed or in contact with skin and mucous membranes.

Class 7
Radioactive material with a specific activity of 70 kBq / kg (2 nCi / g).

Class 8
Caustic and corrosive substances that cause damage to the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, metal corrosion and damage to vehicles, buildings or goods, and can cause fire in contact with organic materials or certain chemicals.

Class 9
Substances with relatively low risks in the transportation referred to any of the previous classes, but which require the application to them of certain rules for the transport and storage.